About Me

After finishing my undergraduate degree in my home state of Georgia, I traveled the US and the world for the greater part of a decade. While in the US, I did work on organic farms and in conservation. While abroad, I taught English both in China and Taiwan, where I also received my Master's degree in Biology. During my studies, as well as during many side projects, I developed numerous data related skills and proficiencies in various tools to create stories using data.

My travels have given me a broad perspective and ability to empathize and communicate with people from diverse backgrounds. My experience as an English teacher to non-native speakers has also developed my ability to communicate complex subjects in a way that untrained or non-technical audiences can easily understand, a skill that is essential for any data analyst.

I currently reside back in the US where I work full time and work on data driven side projects for folks in my area. When not doing either of these I enjoy playing my banjo or training jiu-jitsu.

Technical Skills

  • Use BeautifulSoup in Python to harvest data from internet sources
  • Use Python Pandas package to manipulate and analyze data
  • Use Python packages such as Matplotlib to provide simple data visualizations
  • Use SQL to store, query, and analyze data
  • Use tools such as Streamlit library in Python, Tableau, or Power BI to create more complex dashboards
  • Machine learning in Python to perform sentiment analysis, image classification, etc.

A Few Projects

Master's Research Project

For my thesis project, I studied the effects from various aspects of urbanization on urban dwelling bird species. The bird pictured here, common myna, was one of the species I collected data on.

Python Projects

Learning Python has given me another tool for data collection and organization. Most of my recent Python projects have revolved around building a webscraping script to harvest data from a particular site or sites, writing that data to a Pandas dataframe, and then creating a simple yet informative visualization of that data. Here's a link to some of my projects on github.

Tableau Dashboards

Tableau is a great tool I use to aid in creating simple data visualizations that anyone can understand. I often will make dashboards in Tableau out of the data I collect via web scraping. Here's a link to some things I've put on Tableau Public recently.